Children of Men
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Did you see the movie Children of Men ?
Known not are they to the children of men .
Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings .
Their fruit will be cut off from the earth , and their seed from among the children of men .
And Jehovah came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men had built .
Chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange studies in lymphocytes from children of men taking gossypol formic acid
I have seen the travail that God has given the children of men to travail in .
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness , and for his wonderful works to the children of men !
Send help , lord , for mercy has come to an end ; there is no more faith among the children of men .
For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men .
How good is your loving mercy , o god ! The children of men take cover under the shade of your wings .
Before the Lord are the underworld and destruction : how much more , then , the hearts of the children of men !
The LORD was looking down from heaven on the children of men , to see if there were any who had wisdom , searching after god .
The Lord is in his holy temple , the lord 's seat is in heaven ; his eyes are watching and testing the children of men .
And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters .
That they had hundreds and hundreds of year ago . @ It is a great opportunity , an opportunity that only comes once in many centuries to the children of men .
To Earth 's hidden chambers pierced I by my wisdom , deep through the Earth 's crust , into the pathway , hidden for ages from the children of men .
Never was there such a defiant , daring manipulator . Come and see the works of God : he is to be feared in all he does to the children of men .
In Psalm 53 : 2 & 3 we read that God looked down from heaven upon the children of men , to see if there were any that did understand , that did seek God .
And in those days I will open the store chambers of blessing which are in the heaven , so as to send them down upon the earth over the work and labour of the children of men .
Sin has utterly ruined that fair abode of all delights , and driven forth the children of men to till the ground , which yields thorns and briers unto them .
Genesis 11 : 5 says , " And the LORD came down to see the city , and the tower , which the children of men builded . " God saw that the people were intent on staying together .
She remembered the Sunday mornings of her girlhood , and sang : 'Oh sun and moon ... Oh stars ... Oh children of men ... Praise the Lord ! Praise Him for ever ! "
And wheresoever the children of men dwell , the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand , and hath made thee ruler over them all .
On a Sunday night , families with young children and groups of middle-aged men fill the restaurant .
His wife and four children were as average and insignificant as the wives and children of such men usually are .